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Loguetown - Counterfeit Conspiracy FDng53T
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Loguetown - Counterfeit Conspiracy
Fri Nov 17, 2023 11:43 pm


"In the heart of Loguetown's Market, deceit takes root beneath the surface."

Voyage: Counterfeit Conspiracy

Rank: D-rank

Type: Government

Client: Investigator Cassandra Darkwater, a sharp and meticulous government agent with a knack for uncovering criminal conspiracies. She is determined to put a stop to the circulation of fake beli money in Loguetown.

Background: Recent reports have indicated that counterfeit beli money has been making its way into the bustling market of Loguetown. Investigator Cassandra Darkwater suspects that a criminal organization is behind this operation and aims to disrupt their activities.

Enemies: Members of the counterfeit beli money operation:
1. Felix Goldcoin - A charismatic and slippery individual who specializes in counterfeiting.
2. Selena Silvertongue - Felix's partner, skilled in negotiation and persuasion.

Objective: Infiltrate Loguetown's Market, identify the sources of the counterfeit beli money, and gather evidence to expose the culprits. Report your findings to Investigator Cassandra Darkwater.


  • Create a topic in Loguetown's Market, depicting the bustling atmosphere of the market.
  • Blend in with the market-goers and discreetly investigate stalls suspected of dealing with counterfeit money.
  • Gather evidence of the fake beli money, such as fake bills or suspicious transactions.
  • Identify Felix Goldcoin and Selena Silvertongue as the key figures in the operation.
  • Be cautious as they may use persuasive tactics to mislead you.
  • Expose the culprits and provide the evidence to Investigator Cassandra Darkwater.
  • Receive recognition and a modest reward from the government for your successful mission.
Faction :
Beli :
Rank :
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Occupation :
Devil Fruit :
Skillset :
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Speed :
Constitution :
Willpower :
Spirit :
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