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Drum Island - The Cursed Manor
Fri Nov 17, 2023 11:36 pm
"In the heart of Bighorn, the haunted secrets await their reckoning." Voyage: The Cursed Manor Rank: B-rank Type: Government Client: Investigator Isadora Blackthorn, a renowned government investigator known for her expertise in unraveling mysteries. She is a no-nonsense individual with a sharp mind and unwavering determination. Background: Reports of supernatural occurrences have plagued one of Bighorn's historic houses, known as the Cursed Manor. Investigator Isadora Blackthorn has been assigned to uncover the truth behind the disturbances. She suspects that there may be a hidden agenda behind the haunting and requires a skilled team to assist her. Enemies: Suspected culprits behind the haunting: 1. Cedric Nightshade - A charming and deceptive conman who specializes in swindling wealthy individuals. 2. Morgana Moonshadow - Cedric's partner, skilled in illusion and manipulation. Objective: Investigate the Cursed Manor in Bighorn, determine the source of the supernatural occurrences, and apprehend those responsible for the eerie activities. Report your findings to Investigator Isadora Blackthorn. Directions:
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