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Drum Island - Float Parade
Fri Nov 17, 2023 11:35 pm
"In the heart of Bighorn, the parade conceals hidden agendas." Voyage: Float Parade Rank: B-rank Type: Government Client: Noble Rell, the cunning and politically astute mayor of Bighorn. He's known for his ability to maintain a facade of goodwill while pursuing his hidden agendas. Background: Bighorn is hosting its annual float parade, a grand event that attracts visitors from all over. However, Noble Rell suspects that some participants in the parade may have ulterior motives. He believes that a criminal organization plans to use the parade as a cover for illegal activities. Enemies: Suspected members of the criminal organization: 1. Victor Trox - A charismatic and cunning figure, known for his leadership within the criminal organization. 2. Elena Shade - Victor's right-hand person, skilled in espionage and deception. Objective: Attend the float parade in Bighorn, investigate the suspected criminal organization's involvement, and gather evidence of their illegal activities. Report your findings to Noble Rell. Directions:
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