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Drum Island - Operation Avalanche FDng53T
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Drum Island - Operation Avalanche
Fri Nov 17, 2023 11:21 pm


"The skies hold secrets beyond the clouds."

Voyage: Operation Avalanche

Requirement: Skybound (completed prior)

Rank: D-rank

Type: Government

Client: Agent Orion

Background: Following the successful infiltration of the sky pirate gathering in Operation Skybound, Agent Orion has uncovered disturbing information. The sky pirates have made an alliance with a group of underground criminals operating in the Drum Rockies, and they plan to launch a heist on a government facility.

Objective: Your team must now venture back into the Drum Rockies and thwart the impending heist. It's a race against time as you need to gather evidence of the alliance, prevent the heist, and apprehend the criminals involved.


  • Return to the breathtaking Drum Rockies, the same location as the previous mission.
  • Use your knowledge from Operation Skybound to navigate the terrain and locate the criminal alliance.
  • Gather evidence of the alliance and their plans.
  • Prevent the heist on the snowy government facility by any means necessary.
  • Apprehend the criminals involved and ensure justice is served.
  • Report back to Agent Orion with your findings and successful mission completion.
  • Receive recognition from the government for your dedication and success.
Faction :
Beli :
Rank :
Race :
Experience :
Reputation :
Occupation :
Devil Fruit :
Skillset :
Strength :
Speed :
Constitution :
Willpower :
Spirit :
Stamina :
Weapons :
Clothing :
Tools :
Lurking Legend :
Mascot :

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