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Alabasta - Shifting Sands of Alabarna
Fri Nov 17, 2023 10:22 pm
"In the heart of Alabasta, the sands hold secrets and chaos." Voyage: Shifting Sands of Alabarna Rank: C Type: Government Client: Lady Valeria Solstice - A cunning and ambitious government agent with a hidden agenda. Background: Alabasta's capital city, Alubarna, has been experiencing unusual seismic activity, causing sandquakes that threaten the city's stability. Lady Valeria Solstice, a high-ranking government operative, believes that the sandquakes are not natural but rather the result of a hidden conspiracy. She seeks agents to investigate the cause and quell the disturbances before they escalate into a disaster. Enemies: 1. Sandquake Saboteurs - A group of individuals with unknown motives, rumored to be responsible for triggering the sandquakes. 2. Alabasta Royal Guards - The elite security force of Alabasta, tasked with protecting the city and its royal family. Objective: Infiltrate Alabarna, uncover the source of the sandquakes, and neutralize any threats or saboteurs responsible for the disturbances. Directions:
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