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Alabasta - Sands of Ambition
Fri Nov 17, 2023 10:18 pm
"In the shifting sands of ambition, destinies are carved." Voyage: The Sands of Ambition Rank: D Type: Government Client: Voss Rutherford - A cunning and power-hungry noble official known for his ambition to expand his influence. Background: Noble Voss Rutherford, a figure with grand aspirations, has set his sights on cementing his authority within the Alabasta region. His scheme involves a unique form of propaganda and control: using the art of sand sculpting to shape public opinion and maintain a firm grip on the city of Alubarna. Enemies: 1. Sand Sculptor Silas - A talented artist known for his intricate sand sculptures. He has been coerced into working for Noble Rutherford. 2. Rebel Artisans - A group of passionate sculptors who resist the propaganda and seek to create their own messages through sand art. Objective: Infiltrate Alubarna and disrupt Noble Rutherford's plan by assisting the rebel artisans in creating sand sculptures that convey a message of hope and resistance. Directions:
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