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Skypiea - Echoes of Kumogakure
Fri Nov 17, 2023 9:46 pm
"In the heart of the clouds, hidden stories await, echoing the resilience of a proud people." Voyage: Echoes of Kumogakure Requirement: The Sacred Soil (completed prior) Rank: B Type: Government Client: Captain Marcus Silverwing - Following the discoveries in Upper Yard, Captain Silverwing is determined to explore further into the heart of Skypiea. Kumogakure, a hidden village of the Shandia people, has piqued his interest due to its rich cultural heritage. Background: Kumogakure, nestled within the clouds of Skypiea, is a testament to the resilience and culture of the Shandia people. Captain Silverwing believes that this village holds valuable insights into the history and traditions of Skypiea. Enemies: None Objective: Your mission is to accompany Captain Silverwing to Kumogakure, explore the village, and engage with the Shandia people to learn about their history, traditions, and any hidden knowledge they may possess. Directions:
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