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Skypiea - The Sacred Soil
Fri Nov 17, 2023 9:44 pm
"The mysteries of the sky are like a grand puzzle, waiting to be solved one piece at a time." Voyage: The Sacred Soil Requirement: Secrets of Angel Island (completed prior) Rank: C Type: Government Client: Captain Marcus Silverwing - After the successful investigation of Angel Island, Captain Silverwing is determined to delve deeper into Skypiea's secrets. He believes that Upper Yard, with its unique Vearth deposits, might hold crucial information. Background: Upper Yard, a place of great historical significance, has always intrigued the Sky Marines. With the success of the previous mission, Captain Silverwing has obtained permission to explore Upper Yard and uncover any hidden knowledge. Enemies: None Objective: Your mission is to accompany Captain Silverwing to Upper Yard, investigate its unique Vearth deposits, and gather any information or artifacts that could shed light on Skypiea's history. Directions:
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