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Skypiea - Unveiling the Skypiean Cipher
Fri Nov 17, 2023 9:37 pm
"The sky's secrets are like the pages of an ancient book, waiting to be deciphered." Voyage: Unveiling the Skypiean Cipher Requirement: Whispers of the Skies (completed prior) Rank: D Type: Government Client: Dr. Amelia Skyward - Dr. Skyward has been deeply intrigued by the data collected from the experimental weather balloon. She believes that hidden within the sky's patterns is a cipher that could reveal long-forgotten knowledge about Skypiea. Background: Dr. Skyward has decrypted a portion of the data and suspects that there is more to uncover. She is convinced that the remaining data points to a location in Skypiea where ancient knowledge is hidden. Enemies: None Objective: Your mission is to assist Dr. Skyward in deciphering the remaining data from the experimental weather balloon. This data may lead to the discovery of a hidden location in Skypiea with ancient knowledge. Directions:
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