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Skypiea - Whispers of the Skies
Fri Nov 17, 2023 9:33 pm
"In the boundless sky, secrets and wonders await those who dare to soar." Voyage: Whispers of the Skies Rank: D Type: Government Client: Dr. Amelia Skyward - Dr. Skyward is a brilliant but enigmatic scientist hailing from Skypiea. She is known for her eccentric theories about the weather patterns of the White Sea and believes that studying the sky's mysteries will unlock incredible power. Background: Dr. Skyward has developed an experimental weather balloon equipped with advanced instruments to collect data on the ever-changing climate of Skypiea. She is convinced that this data holds the key to unraveling the secrets of the sky island. Enemies: None Objective: Your mission is to assist Dr. Skyward in launching her experimental weather balloon into the skies of Skypiea. You must ensure the balloon collects accurate data on the sky's weather patterns. Directions:
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