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Water 7 - Restoration of Galley-La's Integrity
Fri Nov 17, 2023 8:01 pm
"Beneath the layers of paint lies a canvas waiting to be restored." Voyage: Restoration of Galley-La's Integrity Rank: B Type: Government Client: Supervisor Torenzo - Supervisor Torenzo is a stern and meticulous official within the Government who takes pride in Galley-La Headquarters' relationship with the government. They are committed to maintaining the pristine appearance of the headquarters and view graffiti as a stain on its integrity. Supervisor Torenzo is known for their uncompromising stance on cleanliness. Background: Galley-La Headquarters, the esteemed heart of the renowned Galley-La Company in Water 7, is synonymous with shipbuilding excellence. Its shipwrights are known for their skill and dedication. However, in recent times, the appearance of graffiti has marred the headquarters' pristine facade, much to the chagrin of Supervisor Torenzo. The Government has taken it upon itself to restore Galley-La's integrity. Enemies: None Objective: Accompany Supervisor Torenzo to Galley-La Headquarters and assist in the removal of graffiti that has defaced the building's walls. Your objective is to ensure a thorough and impeccable restoration of the headquarters' appearance, meeting Supervisor Torenzo's exacting standards. Directions:
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