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Water 7 - Secrets of the Waterway Supply
Fri Nov 17, 2023 8:00 pm
"In the heart of mystery, the Waterway Maze holds the key to essential supplies." Voyage: Secrets of the Waterway Supply Rank: B Type: Government Client: Captain Voss - A shrewd and resourceful individual who operates independently of the Government and pirate factions. Captain Voss is known for their cunning and willingness to obtain vital ship supplies through any means necessary, even if it means navigating the treacherous Waterway Maze. Background: The Waterway Maze, a complex network of canals and pathways in Water 7, conceals more than just mysteries. It also hides valuable and essential ship supplies that are difficult to procure through legal means. Captain Voss has a reputation for acquiring these supplies discreetly, but this time, the Waterway Maze holds secrets that may pose a challenge even to them. Enemies: None Objective: Accompany Captain Voss into the Waterway Maze, where they seek to obtain critical ship supplies hidden within its labyrinthine pathways. Your objective is to ensure Captain Voss's safety, help locate and secure the supplies, and navigate the maze's challenges. Directions:
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