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Water 7 - Blueprint Heist
Fri Nov 17, 2023 7:46 pm
"In the heart of shipbuilders, secrets lie hidden within the blueprints." Voyage: Blueprint Heist Rank: D Type: Government Client: Captain Argus Flint - A cunning and unscrupulous government agent known for his expertise in acquiring sensitive shipbuilding blueprints. Captain Flint has a reputation for bending the law to achieve his goals and is willing to go to great lengths to secure valuable designs. Background: Galley-La Headquarters possesses a treasure trove of cutting-edge shipbuilding blueprints, some of which are closely guarded secrets. Captain Flint has been tasked with obtaining a particularly sought-after blueprint that could give his faction a significant advantage in the shipbuilding industry. Enemies: Rival Infiltrator - A rival government agent who has also been assigned to steal the same blueprint for their own faction. This agent is resourceful and equally determined to succeed. Objective: Infiltrate Galley-La Headquarters, locate the hidden blueprint, and secure it without raising suspicion, all while outsmarting the rival infiltrator. Directions:
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