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Water 7 - Bull Whisperer's Challenge
Fri Nov 17, 2023 7:44 pm
"In the heart of shipbuilders, a new kind of connection takes root." Voyage: Bull Whisperer's Challenge Rank: D Type: Government Client: Mr. Barnabas Husher - An eccentric shipwright and animal enthusiast who has developed a unique talent for communicating with the notoriously stubborn and temperamental bulls that assist in ship transportation at Galley-La Headquarters. Background: Mr. Husher has embarked on a mission to strengthen the bond between shipwrights and their bovine companions, believing that improved communication will lead to more efficient shipbuilding. He seeks the assistance of government agents to help him in this peculiar endeavor. Enemies: Envious Rival - A fellow shipwright at Galley-La Headquarters who sees Mr. Husher's bull whispering skills as a threat to their own reputation and is determined to sabotage his efforts. Objective: Work alongside Mr. Husher to learn the art of bull whispering and assist in resolving a conflict between a particularly ornery bull and its frustrated handler, all while dealing with the envious rival's interference. Directions:
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