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Sabaody Archipelago - Vigilant Guardians
Fri Nov 17, 2023 6:39 pm
"Amidst the shadows of the trade, guardians emerge to shield the vulnerable." Voyage: Vigilant Guardians Rank: B Type: Government Client: - Silent Sentinel Aegis: A stoic and resolute figure tasked with the responsibility of guarding and maintaining order within the notorious Auctioning District. Aegis's loyalty to the cause is unwavering, even if it means turning a blind eye to the grim proceedings. - The Unseen Protectors: A group of individuals who operate clandestinely within the confines of Sabaody Park, dedicated to protecting the vulnerable beings who find themselves auctioned within the district's center. Background: The Auctioning District of Sabaody serves as a grim testament to the island's dark history, where living beings are auctioned as commodities. Silent Sentinel Aegis stands as a guardian tasked with preserving order within this sinister venue, while The Unseen Protectors work covertly to shield the vulnerable from the largest horrors of the slave trade. Enemies: N/A Objective: Assume the role of a guardian, ensuring the safety and order within the Auctioning District, and uncover the complexities of a world where the line between right and wrong is blurred. Directions:
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