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Sabaody Archipelago - Guardian of Innocence FDng53T
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"In the heart of chaos, protecting the innocent becomes the greatest adventure."

Voyage: Guardian of Innocence

Rank: B

Type: Government

- Enigmatic Guardian Seraphina: A mysterious and enigmatic figure known for her ability to protect and guide the innocent, regardless of the circumstances. Her motives and past remain shrouded in secrecy.
- The Innocent Souls: A group of children who have been orphaned or lost within the confines of Sabaody Park, seeking protection and guidance from the dangers lurking within.

Background: Sabaody Park, a place of joy and sorrow, has a dark side as a center for slave kidnappings. Enigmatic Guardian Seraphina has taken it upon herself to protect the vulnerable children who have found themselves alone and in danger within the park.

Enemies: N/A

Objective: Safeguard the orphaned and lost children within Sabaody Park, providing them with protection and guidance while uncovering the secrets of their presence within the park.


  • Create a topic in Sabaody Park, where the mission to protect the innocent begins.
  • Assume the role of a guardian, ensuring the safety of the orphaned and lost children within the park.
  • Uncover the mysteries surrounding the children's presence in the park and the sinister forces at play.
  • Guide the children through various challenges and dangers, helping them find safety and solace.
  • Make critical decisions that will impact the fate of the innocent souls within the park.
  • Receive your reward in beli at the end of the voyage.
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Devil Fruit :
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