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Sabaody Archipelago - The Garbage Crusade
Fri Nov 17, 2023 6:18 pm
"A society's true character is revealed when it deals with its refuse." Voyage: The Garbage Crusade Rank: D Type: Government Client: - Captain Scrappy: A scruffy and cunning scavenger who thrives in the refuse-filled underbelly of society. He's always on the lookout for hidden treasures among the trash. - Trash Queen Marla: The enigmatic leader of a group of scavengers who have made a name for themselves in the lawless district of 2-29. She's known for her ruthless determination. Background: In the lawless district of 2-29, the garbage problem has reached critical levels. Trash is piling up everywhere, and it's causing chaos and disease. The government has tasked Captain Scrappy and his crew to clean up the mess and restore order. Enemies: - Filthy Jack: A notorious scavenger who sees the garbage as his domain. He'll stop at nothing to protect his turf. - Rotten Rita: A cunning trickster who uses the chaos of the trash-filled streets to her advantage. She's a thorn in the side of Captain Scrappy's crew. Objective: Clean up the lawless district of 2-29, remove the trash, and restore order. Directions:
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