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Victoria Gladium  FDng53T
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Victoria Gladium
Sun Dec 10, 2023 1:57 pm

    Character Portrait


Name: Victoria Gladium.

Age: 25.

Gender: Female.

Sexuality: Heterosexual.

Ethnicity, Father: Drum Island.
Ethnicity, Mother: Drum Island.

Occupation: Artist.

Race: Human.

Rank: D-rank.

Faction: World Government.

Face: Fubuki - One Punch Man.


Height: 5'8".

Hair: Forest Green.

Eyes: Emerald Green.

Overall:  Victoria is quite short compared to some women of her species. Her body is thin, with an hourglass figure and a little bit of defined muscle. Her skin is pale, a result of her family being from Drum Island for generations. Her features are soft and some would say beautiful. Her hair is a dark green while her eyes are instead a lighter shade of emerald. She tends to wear simple and practical outfits, however with her own bit of flair and style. Adding a bit of pizazz with light amounts of jewelry like rings and earrings. Her outfit changes occasionally, however her go-to outside of her uniform is a black, long-sleeved tight dress, bicycle shorts, long, thick, black boots, and when the weather is really cold: a white fur coat.

Extra: A few long faded scars, bruises, and burns from her work and training. Light makeup mainly lipstick and some eyeshadow and painted properly manicured nails. As well as the occasional piece of jewelry like a necklace, a few rings, and earrings.



Cool, sharp, intuitive. Victoria is a stalwart defender of order and justice. Keeping her personal feelings separate from her duties. Weakness is something she detests as much as she despises cowards. A harsh taskmaster she puts 110% in all her work and takes immense pride in her accomplishments.  

She does not stand for laziness in herself or her peers. And will go without sleep for several nights if it means getting her duties completed. This single-minded drive and ambition is what keeps her focused in life. Very task-orientated, she truly believes that order and stability are the way the world should be run. And as a Marine, it is her duty to stomp out the chaotic filth in the world.

Because of this, she is the antithesis of a pirate's very existence. Seeing them as a plague and menace to society. Monsters whose sole purpose is to destroy the sanctity of love and life. A personal all-consuming grudge she holds towards them due to her family's disgrace and the loss of her very own parents in their pursuit to reclaim the lost glory stolen from them. Her vicious denunciation of pirate-kind has twisted her into a cruel and callous individual who forgoes her humanity for maximum efficiency.

Personal attachments are useless to her. As she has yet to meet a person who she believes can equal her. Vain and somewhat arrogant, she believes that love is pointless. And it would take an equally capable and intelligent man with a strong sense of justice to sweep her off her feet. Let alone get a glance. That is to say, she is married to her work. And focuses on pursuing greater heights of power and status via her artisan skills as a shipwright and weapon manufacturer.

In the endless pursuit of justice and order, all else must wait.

  • Cleaning: Cleaning is great for dealing with stress and lets her thoughts wander while she works. Sometimes when really out of it and unfocused she'll just go through a deep cleaning of her personal space. If on a ship she'll volunteer for dish duty if it means she can have something to work on.
  • Power: Power means you are strong enough to shake the world. To make tangible change. To establish order and thus peace. With power, she can achieve greater things. Take down her enemies and control and create stability in the world. Power makes the world go round.

  • Disorganization: A sloppy space means sloppy work. Raised in what equates to a military family she was taught at an early age to adhere to strict guidelines. The bed is always made perfectly, the stacks of papers are always sorted, and the dishes are always washed. Some call it OCD, but she likes to call it practical.
  • Pirates: She loathes pirates with every fiber of her being. Her hatred for them borderlines xenophobia. She believes she can never understand them and their ideals. Nor does she want to. For all that they have taken from her and the world itself. They will always be at odds.

  • Peace: Victoria's one main goal in life is to bring peace and prosperity to the world. A world free of chaos and violence. A just world free of the scum that is pirates. If it requires stomping out anarchy with the heel of her boots, then so be it. It's a sacrifice she was willing to make for a better world.

  • Failure: One of her greatest fears, to fail means she failed her parents, her family, and the World Government as a whole. She absolutely hates failure as much as she fears it. Knowing that she has failed will exasperate her anxieties tenfold. It's a constant pall on her life and existence. She won't tolerate it, from others and especially from herself. Her family's legacy will not be remembered by history for their mistakes.
  • Anarchy: The absolute collapse of society that the World Government has upheld for centuries haunts her dreams. While some would say such fears were "unrealistic" she sees it as an eventuality if pirates continue to exist and prosper in the edges of society. Eventually, they get the bold idea to destroy everything humanity has built. And she can't accept that possible reality.


Strength: 3

Speed: 10

Constitution: 8

Willpower: 8

Spirit: 1


History: The Gladium Family is from a long and storied lineage of Marines. Dating back to Year 0, they etched their mark on the history of the world. However, this was a very long time ago. Nowadays, they are but an old forgotten relic of the past. Their legacy was tarnished generations ago due to an error and dangerous mistake by Victoria's great-great-grandfather.

They never recovered.

That is the Gladium Family that Victoria was born into. A shadow of their former selves. A disgraced Marine family who are desperately chasing their past success. From an early age, Victoria had it drilled into her that her success was her family's success. And her failure would also be theirs.

This truth was ingrained into her. Turning her into a person whose whole life was based on status and power. And while her mother and father attempted to reclaim their family's former glory. They failed in the end, dying in the process. Leaving her the sole heir to take up the mantle and restore her family's honor.

She was not the strongest person in the world. But she made up for it with her intelligence and cunning. As well as her bold and creative nature. She became fascinated with creating things. As early as five years old, she was known to put together useless gadgets and baubles. Building her own ship-in-a-bottle around that time. She had dreams of becoming a shipwright and invent various new weapons for the World Government.

Spurred on by her burning hatred for pirates and their chaotic violent ways. The same pirates who took away her parents from her with their cowardly tactics. The same pirates who shamed her once proud family for generations. She focused her ire and spite and concentrated on improving herself and the World Government as a whole. To one day pave a future of safety and peace for all.

Discord: @tenebraequeene

Reference: N/A.

Victoria Gladium
Victoria Gladium
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Re: Victoria Gladium
Sun Dec 10, 2023 8:32 pm

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