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Dakka Flanders
Thu Dec 07, 2023 5:56 am
Name: Dakka Flanders Age: 30 Gender: Female Sexuality: Homosexual Ethnicity, Father: Water 7 Ethnicity, Mother: Arabasta Occupation: Doctor Race: Human Rank: D-rank Faction: Pirate Face: Langley, Path to Nowhere APPEARANCE Height: 5’11” Hair: Blonde Eyes: Blue Overall: Dakka is a tall, broad, muscular woman with blonde hair and defined facial features. Sporting a strong jaw that’s plagued the men and women of her family for generations, she tries her best to make it look decent by caking her face in makeup and styling her hair. The general vibe that Dakka intends to give off is one of “lazy professionalism”, a look that has a lot of effort put into it but seemingly looks like she climbed out of bed looking that way. Her skin is pale and shows the most color around her joints and cheekbones. Her everyday attire consists of dresses darker in color to contrast the white coat she wears at almost all times. Normally sporting heels and gloves to go along with it, Dakka looks very much like a doctor with just a quick glance. Extra: Additional things for your appearance, such as tattoos, scars, piercings, etc. PERSONALITY Personality: A reserved, stubborn, analytical individual. Dakka is the type of person whose personality is resolute, nary changes regardless of the circumstance. She’s adaptable and content, often fine with drastic changes in her life without much complaint. This sort of laissez faire attitude is how she likes to approach many things in life, finding that caring too much about things in life often leads to disappointments and a worsening of her mental state. That being said, there are times where she can’t just approach a situation with the usual carefree attitude, in which case Dakka just breaks down. When confronted with something she can’t solve or ignore, instead of trying to dig herself out of the hole or work towards a solution she’d rather just shut down and wait for it to solve itself. This often leads to Dakka just walking out of peoples’ lives without a goodbye or sense to tell anybody, making her a sort of ghost to those that thought they knew her. Outside of the inner workings of her mind, Dakka is the type of person who keeps to herself unless forced to interact. Her speech is cold and bland, with even her weak attempts at jokes almost always falling flat. The doctor also has a very addictive personality, making it rare to find her without a smoke, lollipop, or chewing gum in her mouth. When it comes to fulfilling her job, Dakka is actually quite helpful and understanding. She has been told in the past that her bedside manner was actually some of the best out of most doctors. Even the sharpest of knives could have the softest of hilts, apparently. Likes:
STATISTICS Strength: 8 Speed: 1 Constitution: 11 Willpower: 5 Spirit: 5 HISTORY History: The Flanders family, one of the older families that call Water 7 home. For as long as history could remember, the Flanders have always been a money-inclined family. Starting off as simple merchants, after putting roots down on the island they expanded their horizons into various crafts and fields. Some Flanders were amazing shipwrights, chefs, and writers, while other Flanders had succumbed to their greed and turned to less than savory businesses such as piracy, assassination, and theft. They’re a relatively large family, so when the birth of Dakka came around it was less of celebrations, as it is with other families, and more of just another day. Little Dakka, the youngest of 6, was probably one of, if not the loudest Flanders of her generation. The only daughter with five brothers meant that she sort of naturally gravitated towards being more like them. Rebellious, rowdy, and violent, Dakka was quickly recognized by her extended family as just being “another one of the boys”. Where this would bother most girls at a young age, Dakka embraced it. See, observing the kind of respect that her brothers got given their size and profession, the little girl aspired to be like them. Tough, strong, stoic. With her hair short and her clothing masculine in appearance, the next step was to be trained like her brothers. Some of them were smiths, some of them were shipwrights, some were carpenters. Regardless, Dakka would follow them around and accompany them at work, learning how to use her hands at an early age. When she was 14, her father became ill. He worked with machinery everyday so it wasn’t a surprise that it started to impact his health. Though previously he would bounce back after a few days, this illness kept him to his bed with no cure in sight. Most doctors were stumped as to what to do, though Dakka partly chalks that up to the fact that Water 7 wasn’t really known for its amazing medical industry— because it basically didn’t exist. Finding a need for one right in front of her, Dakka left home in pursuit of knowledge. While her father was sick, it wasn’t life threatening, meaning that she would at least have time to study medicine before he would pass. Or so she thought. Dakka returned home a few years later when she was 19 to find an empty home. Apparently her family threw their fortune at a cure which never came, leaving the Flanders bankrupt and her father dead. It devastated her but like most things, she didn’t particularly show emotion. After the years of traveling, the years of studying, the atrocities she’s seen and the people she’s watched die, coming home to failure was something she couldn’t bear. Feeling suffocated on the island, she quickly fled. However, even though she’s a doctor she’s a Flanders first, and the sound of money was tempting her more than anything. Finding the quickest way to do that being piracy, she became a declared pirate at age 20. Discord: Inphyy Reference: N/A |
Dakka Flanders
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Re: Dakka Flanders
Thu Dec 07, 2023 2:46 pm
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