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Namba, Michio [Done] FDng53T
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Namba, Michio [Done]
Wed Dec 06, 2023 10:38 pm

    Character Portrait


Name: Namba, Michio

Age: 18

Gender: Male.

Sexuality: Heterosexual.

Ethnicity, Father: Alabasta

Ethnicity, Mother: Alabasta

Occupation: Cook

Race: Human

Rank: D-rank

Faction: Marine

Face: Original character.


Height: 6' 2"

Hair: Black

Eyes: Jelly Bean Blue

Overall: Michio is a young man of above-average height, standing at six foot two and weighing in at one hundred seventy-five pounds of pure muscle. His luscious milk chocolate skin is practically devoid of impurities save for the three minuscule beauty marks on his face. His hair, as white as snow, compliments his calming blue eyes. Typically, Michio is sporting a pair of black oversized glasses; however, it is debatable whether they are simply for show. He does not possess any tattoos or piercings but has always kept an open mind at the thought, although unlikely due to his disinterest in them.

His wardrobe consists of linen collarless shirts, sleeved and sleeveless waistcoats, jackets, and coats of varying colors.

Extra: /


Personality: Michio is, if nothing else, a kind-hearted person. The kind of individual who would not harm a fly. A man who stays true to his convictions and leads by example. Someone who can discern right from wrong and see the good in a bad situation. A marine dedicated to the cause who utilizes every fiber of his being for those less fortunate. A scholar hyper-fixated on uncovering the sea's mysteries while meeting people of different backgrounds.

However, he does not share this sentiment with the likes of pirates. In their presence, the darkest parts of his character elevate to the surface—a man with ice in his veins, tormented by his past—the kind of beast who would stop at nothing to achieve a goal. Somebody can easily view this phase as unyielding, blinding rage; however, his demons have far too strong of a grasp on his life for him to care.

Ultimately, Michio is a person who takes things too seriously. Terms like uptight, overly serious, or too earnest are commonly used to describe him. He tends to approach situations with a level of seriousness or intensity that somebody may perceive as excessive or disproportionate to the context. As anticipated, somebody might perceive him as someone who lacks a sense of humor or the capacity to loosen up in specific situations.

  • Cooking: Over the years, Michio has cultivated the skill of cooking. It enhances his quality of life and serves as a means for him to feel connected to his father. He aspires to broaden his knowledge of various cuisines and flavors worldwide.
  • Writing: Michio is not just an avid reader; he is also an occasional writer. He enjoys documenting his adventures and anything else that piques his interest.

  • Pirates: Michio harbors contempt for pirates and anyone who goes out of their way to tear down others.
  • Insects: Michio dislikes everything about insects — from their appearance and crawling behavior to their unsavory habits. He views their existence as pitiful.

  • People: Nothing brings Michio more joy than helping those in unfavorable situations. To that end, he does everything he can to make it happen.

  • Abandonment: Due to early childhood trauma, Michio harbors an intense fear of losing loved ones, leading to difficulties in his relationships.
  • Imposter Syndrome: Michio frequently experiences anxiety and internalizes a lack of success, even though he achieves high performance in objective, external measures. His internal struggles often make Michio feel like "a fraud" or "a phony," causing him to doubt his abilities.


Strength: 11

Speed: 11

Constitution: 1

Willpower: 6

Spirit: 1


History: Michio grew up with his sister and father in an impoverished oasis town known as Yuba. Endless sandstorms have reduced a once promising city to a handful of inhabitants. Even now, he recalls sleepless nights due to the scarcity of food. The growling sound of his stomach was so obnoxious that all kinds of critters stayed clear of their home. At that time, his father would tell stories of his mother until Michio and his sister fell asleep. He spoke of her travels worldwide to places such as Drum Island, an icy realm shrouded in relentless snowfall, and Sabaody Archipelago, the final island in Paradise.

Their mother's treacherous past went unnoticed by them during their innocent youth. She was a despicable person, for a lack of better words. A marauder who, for sport, deliberately harmed the lives of others, leaving behind a trail of negative consequences that affected her personal life and the places she visited. Fortunately, their father did everything he could to shield his children from this truth. However, he was aware that, eventually, he would have to disclose the information before it became widely known.

Every so often, their mother returned to her hometown. With each visit, her entourage of followers grew larger and larger. She would boast about her acquisitions, indulging in carefree drinking and joking, seemingly conveying, "This is the life." But judging by the mournful expression on his father's face, Michio knew that it was quite the opposite. Once, after his mother returned from a sea voyage, he eavesdropped on a private conversation between his parents. Nothing positive was expected from this discussion, as it was evident that she was intoxicated, judging by her mannerisms.

"Ahh, Mamoru, you should've seen it," she exclaimed. "This place had mountains of treasure ripe for the picking. We could have it all, conquer the world. If it weren't for those wretched kids, then—"

Discord: Michio

Reference: /

Faction :
Beli :
Rank :
Race :
Experience :
Reputation :
Occupation :
Devil Fruit :
Skillset :
Strength :
Speed :
Constitution :
Willpower :
Spirit :
Stamina :
Weapons :
Clothing :
Tools :
Lurking Legend :
Mascot :
Re: Namba, Michio [Done]
Fri Dec 08, 2023 11:36 pm

Faction :
Beli :
Rank :
Race :
Experience :
Reputation :
Occupation :
Devil Fruit :
Skillset :
Strength :
Speed :
Constitution :
Willpower :
Spirit :
Stamina :
Weapons :
Clothing :
Tools :
Lurking Legend :
Mascot :

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