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III. Thunderous Flintlock FDng53T
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III. Thunderous Flintlock
Wed Nov 29, 2023 5:47 am



Name: Thunderous Flintlock

Handling: Two-Handed

Class: Unique

Quantity: Unlimited

Durability: 2x S-rank

Bonus: +100 Speed

Description: Thunderous Flintlock is a unique and highly advanced flintlock pistol. Its sleek design and precision craftsmanship make it a formidable weapon. The barrel and frame are made from a rare and lightweight alloy, giving it a distinctive silver sheen.

Lore: Thunderous Flintlock emerged as a product of innovation and engineering. Crafted by a skilled gunsmith named Roland, it was designed to be a breakthrough in firearms technology. Roland, known for pushing the boundaries of what was thought possible, combined traditional flintlock mechanisms with advanced materials and craftsmanship. The pistol was commissioned by the renowned explorer and adventurer, Captain Seraphina Stormrider. She sought a weapon that could match her lightning-fast reflexes and precision, and Thunderous Flintlock was the answer. With this pistol by her side, Captain Stormrider embarked on numerous daring journeys, facing threats and challenges that would deter most.

  • Thunderous Flintlock can fire semi-automatically, allowing for rapid shots without the need to manually reload after each shot.

  • Name: Thunder Strike Shot
    Rank: A-rank
    Stamina Cost: 200
    Requirements: Thunderous Flintlock
    Type: Offensive
    Cooldown: 4 posts
    Range: 20 meters
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The wielder of Thunderous Flintlock takes aim with precision, and upon firing, the bullet accelerates with incredible speed, striking the target with the force of a thunderclap. The impact creates a concussive shockwave, dealing A-rank damage to the target and knocking them back. This shot is known for its deafening sound and ability to disorient opponents with Half-Deafen.

  • Name: Lightning Burst Shot
    Rank: A-rank
    Stamina Cost: 200
    Requirements: Thunderous Flintlock
    Type: Offensive
    Cooldown: 4 posts
    Range: 20 meters
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The wielder of Thunderous Flintlock loads a special explosive shot into the pistol's chamber. Upon firing, the bullet detonates on impact, releasing a burst of electrical energy that envelops the target. This shot deals A-rank damage and has the additional effect of temporarily paralyzing the target's muscles, immobilizing them briefly with a bind.

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Devil Fruit :
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