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V. Alchemist's Elixir
Wed Nov 29, 2023 12:36 am
Class: Mythic Quantity: Limited Statistics: Stamina: 3000 Strength: 251 Speed: 121 Constitution: 251 Description: The Alchemist's Elixir takes the form of a mysterious liquid confined within a flask with dexterous hands. Its appearance is enigmatic, with the liquid within swirling and shimmering, as if possessing a life of its own. Lore: In the bustling streets of Water 7, renowned for its advanced technology, the Alchemist's Elixir was discovered by a curious inventor. They stumbled upon an abandoned laboratory hidden deep within the city's labyrinthine alleyways. Inside, they found a flask containing the remarkable substance. As they experimented with the elixir, they soon realized its incredible potential. The liquid had a thirst for knowledge and experience, making it eager to interact with the world around it. Their crew often found amusement in its insatiable curiosity and fondness for tasting different liquids. Passives:
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