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IV. Silverclad Stallion FDng53T
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IV. Silverclad Stallion
Wed Nov 29, 2023 12:29 am


Name: Silverclad Stallion

Class: Legendary

Quantity: Limited

Stamina: 3000
Strength: 121
Speed: 121
Constitution: 121

Description: The Silverclad Stallion is a majestic creature, resembling a standing horse of exquisite stature. Its entire body is adorned with shimmering silver clothing usualy, reflecting its love for opulence and extravagance. The clothing is finely crafted, with intricate designs that catch the light and leave onlookers in awe.

Lore: The legend of the Silverclad Stallion hails from the vibrant streets of Sabaody Archipelago, where it was discovered by a group of adventurous travelers. Initially mistaken for a statue, the stallion came to life in a spectacular display. It quickly gained fame for its elegant appearance and unique fashion sense.

  • Fashion Icon: The Silverclad Stallion has the unique ability to wear clothing, granting its owner an additional clothing slot for their use. This allows the owner to dress up their Silverclad Stallion in a variety of stylish armor sets, enhancing both its appearance and charm.

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