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V. Inanimate Zoan
Tue Nov 28, 2023 9:43 pm
Class: Mythic Quantity: Unlimited Durability: 4x S-rank Statistics: Strength: 121 Speed: 121 Description: Inanimate Zoans are extraordinary creations, blending the mystical power of a Devil Fruit with the form of an adorable mascot. Lore: The legend begins with a brilliant scientist who discovered a technique to infuse inanimate objects with the power of Devil Fruits, specifically Zoan Fruits. The details of this technique remain a closely guarded secret, known only to a select few. The weapon's transformative ability allows it to take on the form and abilities of the Zoan Devil Fruit it has consumed. Whether it transforms into a ferocious beast or a hybrid weapon-animal form, it gains mobility, unique abilities, and intelligence that mirror the creature it emulates. However, this infusion of life also brings pain, fear, and vulnerability to disease, as it now possesses the traits of a living creature. Despite this, it remains fiercely loyal to its owner and acts as a charming and mystical companion. Restrictions:
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