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Mero-Mero (9,000,000B) FDng53T
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Mero-Mero (9,000,000B)
Tue Nov 28, 2023 12:56 am


Name: Mero Mero no Mi
Description: The Mero Mero no Mi is an enigmatic Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that endows its user with the extraordinary ability to harness the potent emotions of love, lust, and adoration. This fruit grants the user a range of attacks, all of which have the remarkable power to transform opponents into solid stone statues through the sheer force of these emotions.

  • Like all Devil Fruit users, the user of the Mero Mero no Mi becomes entirely immobile when submerged underwater. Even partial submersion results in the loss of control over their powers.

  • Love's Dice Roll: The user's ranged Mero Mero skills induce a Dice Roll from the user upon contact with a living target. If the user rolls above 50, the target is turned to stone due to overwhelming feelings of love or adoration. Possessing The Empress fate adds a +10 modifier to the roll.
  • Unwavering Petrification: The user's touch-based skills possess the extraordinary ability to bypass the target's durability, instantly turning the affected area into stone upon contact.
  • Incapacitating Petrification: Targets that have been transformed fully into stone are rendered unconscious and vulnerable to damage, with only the user capable of inflicting harm upon them. Depetrification is also solely within the user's power.

  • Name: Love's Embrace
    Rank: S-rank
    Stamina Cost: 500
    Requirements: Mero Mero no Mi
    Type: Offensive
    Cooldown: 5 posts
    Range: Topic
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: With the Love's Embrace skill, the user projects a love or kiss-themed projectile that, upon contact with any target, immediately transforms them into solid stone, rendering them immobile and susceptible to damage.

Faction :
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Devil Fruit :
Skillset :
Strength :
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