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Bomu-Bomu (3,500,000B) FDng53T
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Bomu-Bomu (3,500,000B)
Tue Nov 28, 2023 12:53 am


Name: Bomu Bomu no Mi
Description: The Bomu Bomu no Mi is a captivating Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that imparts upon its user the astounding ability to detonate any part of their body at will. Whether it's their limbs, hair, mucus, breath, or even a simple cough, this remarkable fruit transforms the user into a Bomb Human. The fruit bestows immunity against all other explosions, including cannonballs, and grants the user the unique ability to evaluate the quality of explosions.

  • As a common trait among Devil Fruit users, the user becomes completely immobile when submerged underwater. Even being partially submerged removes all control over their passives and powers.

  • Explosive Immunity: The user is completely immune to explosive damage, including skills that primarily cause explosions and even cannonballs.
  • Explosion Detection: They possess the unique ability to detect the rank and capabilities of explosion-related things, offering valuable insights into explosive threats.

  • Name: Explosive Consumption
    Rank: S-rank
    Stamina Cost: None
    Requirements: Bomu Bomu no Mi
    Type: Supplementary
    Cooldown: None
    Range: Self or Blast Radius
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: With this astounding skill, the user gains the ability to consume and neutralize explosions by eating them. This skill can be employed to protect allies within the blast radius of the explosion, even after the explosion occurs. When activated, the user can consume an explosion, rendering it harmless and preventing damage to themselves and their allies.

Faction :
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Rank :
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Occupation :
Devil Fruit :
Skillset :
Strength :
Speed :
Constitution :
Willpower :
Spirit :
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