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Smoke-Smoke (4,000,000B)
Mon Nov 27, 2023 11:54 pm
Description: The Smoke-Smoke Fruit grants its user the extraordinary ability to conjure, manipulate, and become living smoke. This enigmatic Logia-type Devil Fruit bestows upon its possessor the power to transform their very essence into an ethereal haze. When struck by an adversary's attack, the user effortlessly melds into smoke, rendering them impervious and unharmed. This ethereal metamorphosis extends to flight, enabling the user to transmute their lower body into smoke, granting unparalleled mobility and speed. The fruit's true offensive potential lies in the user's mastery over the density of the smoke they produce, allowing for a wide range of formidable abilities. Restrictions:
Faction :
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Devil Fruit :
Skillset :
Strength :
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