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Cooks               FDng53T
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Mon Nov 20, 2023 9:25 pm


Cook Occupation

🍳 Role: These culinary wizards are the heart of any crew, wielding the power of food to boost morale, restore energy, and keep the crew's spirits high during their perilous journey. Beyond their culinary prowess, Cooks are also formidable fighters in their own right, often wielding frying pans, knives, or even food-based Devil Fruits to defend their friends and their meals. They are the unsung heroes of the galley, crafting delicious dishes that serve as a source of strength, sustenance, and camaraderie for the crew.


- Stamina Sharing: Cooks have the extraordinary ability to share their stamina once per ally. Through their culinary expertise, they can prepare special dishes that invigorate their crewmates, providing a temporary boost to their energy and endurance. This unique ability makes Cooks invaluable in battles, as they can turn the tide of combat with a well-timed meal.

- Extra Quest Slot with Allies: When adventuring alongside their allies, Cooks gain an additional quest slot. This bonus represents the Cook's knack for organizing and planning, ensuring that the crew is well-prepared for their journeys and can tackle more challenges together. Cooks not only nourish the body but also the spirit of their companions, forging strong bonds through shared quests and feasts.

Faction :
Beli :
Rank :
Race :
Experience :
Reputation :
Occupation :
Devil Fruit :
Skillset :
Strength :
Speed :
Constitution :
Willpower :
Spirit :
Stamina :
Weapons :
Clothing :
Tools :
Lurking Legend :
Mascot :

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