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Statistics Template FDng53T
To cover our annual expenses, which include maintaining the domain name, removing advertisements, addressing copyright issues, and other operational costs, we depend on contributions. Visit this page to explore the perks and benefits we provide in exchange for your generous donations.
Statistics Template
Sun Nov 19, 2023 5:52 pm


Ranking and Statistics

Topic Creation
Each user should create a topic in the Statistics forum when they rank up. The topic title should be 'Guest's Ranking Statistics'. Any other name is invalid.

Usage of the Topic
Users update this topic when they receive SP, primarily during rank-ups.

Racial Traits
Users should also unveil their racial transformations and similar traits here.

Rank-Up Rewards
Upon ranking up, users earn the following SP and stamina:
☠ D to C: +20 SP & +300 stamina
☠ C to B: +40 SP & +400 stamina
☠ B to A: +60 SP & +500 stamina
☠ A to S: +80 SP & +600 stamina
☠ S to X: +100 SP & +700 stamina
☠ X to Z: +120 SP & +800 stamina

Points Allocation Template
To allocate the points, use the template below:
[b]Source:[/b] (e.g., D to C, B to A, Event: Event's Name)
[b]Stat Points:[/b] (Number of SP received. Refer above for rank-ups.)
[b]Stamina Boost:[/b] (Stamina received from your rank-up.)
[b]Distribution[/b] (Distribution preference. E.g., for D to C: +3 Strength, +4 Intelligence, +3 Speed.)

Faction :
Beli :
Rank :
Race :
Experience :
Reputation :
Occupation :
Devil Fruit :
Skillset :
Strength :
Speed :
Constitution :
Willpower :
Spirit :
Stamina :
Weapons :
Clothing :
Tools :
Lurking Legend :
Mascot :

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