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Treasure Wheel FDng53T
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Treasure Wheel
Sun Nov 19, 2023 5:25 pm


Treasure Wheel Guide

☠ To spin the Treasure Wheel, you must have an approved character.
☠ Members can try their luck on the Treasure Wheel for all approved characters.
☠ Start a new topic in the Treasure Wheel forum using the title format: Guest's Treasure Wheel.
☠ Your first post should read: I am Guest and this is my Treasure Wheel.
☠ Choose the Dice 100 and post.
Roll Picture:
☠ Always post the roll number. This helps moderators quickly verify when you link the thread and reference, for instance, roll #6.
☠ A successful roll results in two posts: your post with the roll number, and an automatic forum post.
☠ Lucky rolls? Head over to the Treasure Wheel Prizes topic to claim your reward. Complete the form to receive your prize.
☠ Be vigilant! Lucky numbers may change occasionally.
☠ Ensure there's a 24-hour gap between spins.
☠ Rule-breakers will be banned from the Treasure Wheel.

Tip: You can use "Dice Roll" (WITH the quotation marks) if you wish to use the quick reply box.
[roll=Dice 100][/roll]
Roll Number: Current #

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Devil Fruit :
Skillset :
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