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Dice Game Prizes
Sun Nov 19, 2023 5:18 pm
DICE GAME LOOT Guide: Ahoy mateys! Here be the rules of the Dice Game: To play, ye need to pay in posts. Ye can only try your luck once a month. Posts from the previous month don't count for the new one. The counting starts on the 1st of each month. To roll the dice, link to 30 roleplay posts ye made in the current month. Loot: Here's what you can win, sailors: 1-8: 100,000 beli 24-29: 150,000 beli 40-44: 200 Points 61-63: 200,000 beli 83-85: 500 Points 98-100: 750 Points Any other number: 50,000 beli (But, this be not for rolls from donations, events, or other means) Rolling Template: When you're ready to roll, use this template:
Claiming Your Booty: If Lady Luck smiles upon ye, use this to claim your prize:
Tip: You can use "Dice Roll" (WITH the quotation marks) if you wish to use the quick reply box.
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