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Winter Advertising
Sun Nov 19, 2023 5:16 pm
Advertisement Guidelines Our advertising event utilizes a ranking system. Once advertisements are completed, they should be sent to Vice. These are then organized based on colored duplicates, with those having fewer duplicates and superior engagement receiving higher ranks. In terms of loose engagement quality (from highest to lowest): Mass email newsletters or marketing Old Discord promotions by admins Editing homepages on dead sites with permission Partnerships with popular fandom discussion forums Active referrals For effective lead generation and standard advertising: Dormant forums with a membership below 100 Forums in languages other than English Engaging with individuals mentioning or using "One Piece" avatars Utilizing the Wayback Machine High-traffic domains and top RP websites Reaching out to old members, staff, top posters, or those that made activity checks on your past sites We recommend using "(2024) ad" or a similar tag in the ad titles for older forums. Feel free to promote in any allowed space. Remember, many RP enthusiasts might lose track of communities. Try older forums that haven't set up redirects. If a site hasn't been promoted on in the last month, it's ripe for another round of advertising. |
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