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Goa Kingdom - Fallen Weapon
Sat Nov 18, 2023 12:19 am
"Sometimes, a single mistake can change the course of history." Voyage: Fallen Weapon Rank: C Type: Pirate Client: Baron Bloodthorn - A wealthy and corrupt noble of the Goa Kingdom, known for his lavish lifestyle and ruthless dealings. He has a particular interest in acquiring rare and dangerous weapons. Background: Baron Bloodthorn recently acquired a valuable and powerful firearm, known only to a few. However, during a lavish party in Capital City, the weapon was accidentally dropped and lost in the bustling streets. He seeks a pirate's help to retrieve it discreetly. Enemies: None Objective: Infiltrate Capital City, locate the dropped firearm, and return it to Baron Bloodthorn without drawing attention to its existence. Directions:
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