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Goa Kingdom - Forbidden Tongue
Sat Nov 18, 2023 12:18 am
"Words hold the power to challenge the mightiest empires." Voyage: Forbidden Tongue Rank: D Type: Pirate Client: Whispering Shadows - A secretive group of rebels operating within the shadows of the Goa Kingdom. They are known for their defiance against the government and their quest to preserve a forbidden language that has been suppressed by the kingdom's rulers. Background: The Goa Kingdom has banned the use of a unique and ancient language known only to a few. The forbidden tongue holds secrets that could challenge the government's authority. Whispering Shadows seeks a pirate's help to retrieve a hidden scroll written in this language, hidden within Capital City. Enemies: None Objective: Infiltrate Capital City, locate the hidden scroll written in the forbidden language, and deliver it to the Whispering Shadows without getting caught. Directions:
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