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Loguetown - The Muckrakers
Sat Nov 18, 2023 12:07 am
"In the shadows of chaos, filth can be a weapon too." Voyage: The Muckrakers Rank: C-rank Type: Pirate Client: Greasy Joe - An unscrupulous and unsavory character who revels in causing trouble. Greasy Joe has a particular vendetta against a resident of Loguetown's Market and wants to make their life miserable by dirtying their apartment. Background: Greasy Joe has a longstanding feud with a resident of Loguetown's Market. He sees an opportunity to strike a blow against his enemy by sending a solo or crew of evil pirates to dirty the target's apartment. Greasy Joe knows that tarnishing the target's living space will deeply affect them, and he's willing to pay handsomely for the task. Enemies: None Objective: The objective of this C-rank pirate voyage is to infiltrate the target's apartment in Loguetown's Market and make it as dirty and unpleasant as possible. Directions:
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