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Drum Island - Robbing the Mobs
Fri Nov 17, 2023 11:12 pm
"The shadows of the past always follow, but they can be wielded as weapons." Voyage: Robbing the Mobs Rank: A-rank Type: Pirate Client: Captain Flint, a cunning and ruthless pirate captain with a penchant for treachery. He's known for betraying his own crew members when it suits his interests. His charm and deceitful charisma make him a dangerous figure to be reckoned with. Background: Captain Flint has recently discovered a hidden treasure map that leads to untold riches buried deep within the Drum Rockies. He's hired your pirate crew to help him retrieve the treasure, but you can't trust him. Betrayal may lurk around every corner. Enemies: 1. Rook Blackwood - A rival pirate captain who's been trying to steal Flint's treasure map for years. He's cunning and deadly, always one step ahead. 2. Isabella Thorn - A former crew member of Flint's who he left stranded on a deserted island. She's harbored a deep grudge ever since. Objective: Infiltrate the treacherous terrain of the Drum Rockies, confront your enemies, and secure the hidden treasure before Captain Flint can double-cross your crew. Directions:
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