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Drum Island - Icy Malady
Fri Nov 17, 2023 10:46 pm
"In the heart of frost, a cure awaits." Voyage: Icy Malady Rank: D Type: Pirate Client: Dr. Isabella Frostbite - A brilliant yet morally ambiguous medical scientist known for her unorthodox experiments and questionable ethics. Background: Sakura Castle, a pink fortress of ethereal beauty, stands amidst a tranquil pine forest, its icy exterior contrasting with the evergreen surroundings. Dr. Isabella Frostbite, a controversial medical scientist, has set up a secretive clinic within the castle's walls. She claims to have discovered a rare and potent remedy hidden deep within the nearby forest, known as the Frozen Lotus Elixir. However, her experiments on the local wildlife and people have raised concerns among the inhabitants of the nearby villages. Dr. Frostbite seeks your crew's assistance to collect specimens of the Frozen Lotus for her research, even if it means confronting the forest's guardian spirits. Enemies: 1. Guardian Spirits - Ethereal animals that protect the Frozen Lotus deep within the forest. They are not inherently hostile but will defend the sacred flower if threatened. 2. Local Villagers - Concerned villagers who oppose Dr. Frostbite's experiments and will try to stop you from aiding her. Objective: Infiltrate Sakura Castle, gather specimens of the Frozen Lotus Elixir from the forest, and return them to Dr. Frostbite for her research. Directions:
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