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Skypiea - Whispering Winds
Fri Nov 17, 2023 9:57 pm
"In the heart of the skies, secrets linger like whispers in the wind." Voyage: Whispering Winds Rank: D Type: Pirate Client: Captain Harlock Stone - A weathered and cunning pirate captain known for his ruthless tactics and obsession with hidden treasures. Background: Captain Harlock Stone has heard rumors of a long-lost treasure hidden in the heart of Kumogakure, the Shandia village in Skypiea. He believes that this treasure is tied to the ancient rituals and legends of the Shandia people. He has recruited a crew of daring pirates to assist him in this quest. Enemies: 1. Skyward Guardians - A group of Shandia warriors fiercely protective of their village and its cultural heritage. Led by Chief Thunderstrike, they view outsiders like Captain Stone as a threat. 2. Storm Whisperers - A faction of rogue weather manipulators who have made Kumogakure their base of operations. They aim to harness the power of the island clouds for their own gain. Objective: Infiltrate Kumogakure, search for clues related to the hidden treasure, and confront the Shandia's Skyward Guardians and the rogue Storm Whisperers. Directions:
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