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Water 7 - Bay of Betrayals
Fri Nov 17, 2023 8:25 pm
"In the depths of secrecy, a pirate's shadow we become." Voyage: Bay of Betrayals Rank: C Type: Pirate Client: The Elusive Plotter - A mysterious figure known only by reputation, the Elusive Plotter has a history of orchestrating complex schemes to manipulate the balance of power among pirate crews. Their true identity remains a well-guarded secret. Background: The Elusive Plotter has a vendetta against a notorious pirate crew called the Black Serpents, known for their ruthless ways and their iron grip on the Waterway Maze. They have recruited you to assist in their elaborate plan to undermine the Black Serpents' dominance. Enemies: The Black Serpents - A formidable pirate crew led by the cunning Captain Viper. They control the Waterway Maze with an iron fist and have a network of spies and enforcers throughout Water 7. They must be outsmarted and weakened for the plan to succeed. Objective: Your objective is to assist the Elusive Plotter in executing a multifaceted operation aimed at weakening the Black Serpents. The operation involves infiltrating their ranks, sowing discord, and ultimately orchestrating their downfall. Directions:
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