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Water 7 - Lost Necklace
Fri Nov 17, 2023 8:20 pm
"In the shadows of Water 7's canals, a hidden treasure awaits." Voyage: The Lost Necklace Rank: D Type: Pirate Client: Captain Argyle the Deceiver - Captain Argyle is a cunning and deceptive pirate known for his sly tactics and greed-driven actions. He has a reputation for double-crossing allies and is always on the hunt for valuable treasures. Background: Water 7's intricate Waterway Maze has concealed a legendary necklace rumored to possess great power and immense value. Captain Argyle the Deceiver has caught wind of this hidden treasure and seeks to acquire it to further his own ambitions. The necklace is said to have the ability to control the tides of fate. Enemies: Rival Treasure Hunters - A group of ruthless treasure hunters led by their cunning leader, Selene "Whisper" Blackwood, have also set their sights on the lost necklace. They are known for their stealth and resourcefulness in tracking down valuable artifacts. Objective: Your objective is to assist Captain Argyle the Deceiver in locating and securing the legendary lost necklace hidden within the Waterway Maze of Water 7. Captain Argyle believes that the necklace's power can be harnessed for his own gain. Directions:
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