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Sabaody Archipelago - Overture of Deception
Fri Nov 17, 2023 7:29 pm
"In the cacophony of chaos, a symphony of treachery and melody unfolds." Voyage: The Overture of Deception Rank: A Type: Pirate Client: Madame Isabella Tremolo - A mysterious and enigmatic musician who operates on the fringes of the criminal underworld. Madame Tremolo is known for her captivating performances and her involvement in clandestine dealings. Background: Madame Tremolo has a hidden agenda, and her latest obsession is a legendary musical artifact known as the "Harmony's Heart." This priceless instrument is rumored to be hidden in the perilous mangrove area of 2-29. She seeks a skilled crew to retrieve it for her. Enemies: Mercenary Musicians - A group of talented but ruthless musicians who are also after the "Harmony's Heart" for their own gain. Objective: Venture into the lawless mangroves of 2-29, locate the hidden "Harmony's Heart," and secure it, all while dealing with rival musicians who are equally determined to claim the musical treasure. Directions:
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