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Sabaody Archipelago - Salvage of the Lost Bounty
Fri Nov 17, 2023 7:27 pm
"In the depths of the unknown, forgotten treasures await their reclamation." Voyage: The Salvage of the Lost Bounty Rank: A Type: Pirate Client: Captain Bartholomew "Barnacle" Crow - An infamous pirate captain known for his cunning and ruthless nature. Captain Crow has a reputation for hunting down hidden treasures. Background: Captain Crow has obtained a cryptic map that leads to the wreckage of a legendary pirate ship, the "Crimson Sea Serpent." It is said to have carried a massive bounty of untold riches before it was lost in the treacherous waters of 2-29. He seeks a daring crew to help him salvage the ship's remains. Enemies: Rival Pirates - Other pirate crews who have also learned of the treasure and are determined to claim it for themselves. Objective: Dive into the lawless waters of 2-29, locate the wreckage of the "Crimson Sea Serpent," and salvage any valuable treasure and artifacts that remain. Directions:
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