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Sabaody Archipelago - Quest for the Vanishing Recipe
Fri Nov 17, 2023 7:25 pm
"In the depths of the unknown, a culinary treasure awaits discovery." Voyage: Quest for the Vanishing Recipe Rank: B Type: Pirate Client: Captain Mordecai Flint - A notorious pirate captain with a penchant for gourmet cuisine. Captain Flint is known for his extravagant tastes and ruthless reputation on the high seas. Background: Captain Flint has heard rumors of a legendary and long-lost recipe that can create a dish of unparalleled taste. The recipe is said to be hidden somewhere in the lawless mangrove area of 2-29, and he's determined to be the one to find it. Enemies: Bounty Hunters - Competing treasure seekers who want to claim the recipe for themselves. Objective: Infiltrate the treacherous mangrove area of 2-29, locate the hidden recipe, and secure it before rival bounty hunters can get their hands on it. Directions:
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