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Sabaody Archipelago - Rescue of the Caged Beasts
Fri Nov 17, 2023 7:23 pm
"In the heart of darkness, a flicker of hope for the creatures of the wild." Voyage: Rescue of the Caged Beasts Rank: B Type: Pirate Client: Baron Grimsley - A cruel and wealthy aristocrat who profits from illegal animal trafficking. Baron Grimsley has a sadistic fascination with exotic creatures. Background: Baron Grimsley is known for capturing and selling exotic and endangered animals from around the world. He has recently acquired a collection of rare beasts and plans to showcase them in the sinister depths of Sabaody Park. Enemies: Animal Handlers - Cruel individuals hired by Baron Grimsley to guard and mistreat the captive animals. Objective: Infiltrate Sabaody Park, rescue the captive exotic animals, and ensure their safe return to their natural habitats. Directions:
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