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Sabaody Archipelago - Phantom Slaver
Fri Nov 17, 2023 7:21 pm
"In the depths of intrigue, the truth remains veiled." Voyage: Phantom Slaver Rank: B Type: Pirate Client: Lady Vespera - A shadowy and enigmatic figure with a network of connections in the criminal underworld. Lady Vespera is known for her ruthless and secretive nature. Background: Lady Vespera has received word of the existence of a mysterious and elusive slaver known as the "Phantom Slaver" operating within the Auctioning District. She seeks to uncover the identity and motives of this enigmatic figure. Enemies: N/A Objective: Infiltrate the Auctioning District, gather information on the Phantom Slaver, and uncover the truth behind their actions. Directions:
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