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Sabaody Archipelago - Benevolent Deed
Fri Nov 17, 2023 7:19 pm
"In the heart of darkness, a glimmer of compassion can light the way." Voyage: Benevolent Deed Rank: B Type: Pirate Client: Lady Seraphina - A wealthy and influential figure in the underworld. Lady Seraphina is known for her ruthless nature, but she has a personal agenda for this mission. Background: Lady Seraphina has been moved by the suffering of the slaves in the Auctioning District. She wishes to secretly fund the release of a group of slaves as an act of charity, despite her usual sinister reputation. Enemies: N/A Objective: Organize a covert operation to fund and secure the release of a group of slaves from the Auctioning District without attracting unwanted attention. Directions:
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