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Sabaody Archipelago - Shadowed Auctioneer
Fri Nov 17, 2023 7:09 pm
"In the midst of chaos, an orchestrator of order emerges." Voyage: Shadowed Auctioneer Rank: C Type: Pirate Client: Silas Cogwheel - A cunning and ruthless pirate known for his organizational skills and cold-hearted nature. Silas is infamous for his involvement in the illicit slave trade. Background: Silas Cogwheel aims to tighten his grip on the slave trade in the Auctioning District. He intends to organize a secret auction for high-profile slaves and expand his influence. Enemies: N/A (The mission involves organizing the auction, not specific enemies.) Objective: Establish a secret auction for high-profile slaves in the Auctioning District, ensuring secrecy and security throughout the event. Directions:
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Devil Fruit :
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